Enhanced Mobility Solutions

It is foldable and portable, Fig.4

Fabrication materials: hardwood, lightweight metal tubing, durable plastic, composite. Very easy to replicate from the prototype – exotic from bamboo.

Units: single, paired for the intensity of the procedure control by the nurse/technician, quadruple for group exercise

Physiotherapeutic treatment: swollen feet relief, edema, lympho-edema, promoting circulation, regeneration of abdomen and spine muscles, preventing humpback (Skoliosis) formation.

Medical rehabilitation: post surgery/injury of the lower limbs and spine pre-walking initiation. partially/temporarily paralyzed treatment, bed sore prevention in bedridden patients.

Recreation: may be used on any flat surface except gravel, as furniture without leaving an impression on the carpet, and special-edition for the beach, or as sleds on snow.

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On scale 1 – 5 = 4.25